Everything in education starts with the teacher. Too often you hear people say “it’s the kids” or “kids today” . You cant change to kids or the parents or the administration. The only thing you have control over is you. Lighting the spark and being the board deal, in my opinion, speak to how I as the educator have to find ways to engange the students with the material. When I am no longer able to find an external source to motivate them, then I have to look inside to see what I need to change in order to achieve the goals.
In order to achieve said goals in education you have to be able to persevere in the face of criticism. Once you have set the board you need to move the pieces as they are supposed to move and not take the shortcuts. That could only lead to needing to change the board again.
While the teacher is the start of it the students are the life of it. What ever we decide as educators we need to listen to the needs of the students and ask ourselves what will work best for all of us. The classroom is a group dynamic and while each student has their own individual needs and wants and the teacher has her own, the only way to achieve success is to look at the best possible things for the whole not the parts.
Love this concept and the last line says it all. As teachers, we must think of the classroom as a whole and not them against us. We must always put the needs of our student a priority. No matter what the ultimate goal is to prepare them for the world.
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