So it is our job to outwit them by letting them find of light their own spark. Or let them think they are lighting their own spark. This can be done by simply becoming more a facilitator of learning whether than a teacher of learning. Allow room for error in yourself as well as in your students. You will that you both may be finding a spark.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Week 4-Reading
As teachers we are definitely responsible for lighting the spark in our students but we sometimes wonder how. Most of our students are not amazed by anything we do or say. It's just teenage natural to see parents and teachers as uncool.
Week 4-Comment to Pam
Pam said:
I have recently added the phrase, "A vision articulates a possibility" to my Facebook page to see the comments that would be left. Since I am terrible with delayed gratification, after only one 'like' I moved onto my students to hear their comments. Some students were stuck at the word 'articulates' while others replied, "Oh yeah, yeah I get it Miss (for some reason all the kids use Miss instead of Mrs. such and such)." Anyway, I came to realize that students are the one who should be reading this book. The problem blocking most students is that they have no vision. Therefore blocking most possibilities and missed opportunities.
I look at myself. I always had vision and always steered my course to the direction I wanted it to go. I remember people asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I replied with specific details up to to the type of car I would drive. All have come true except my Eddie Bauer Explorer is a Kia Sedona (which most people think is the Cadillac). My visions determined my possibilities. I wish most of my students would see their visions like I saw (and still continue to see) mine, work towards those goals, and not miss opportunities that might belong to them. Like in the movie "Field of Dreams" if you build it, they will come.
I look at myself. I always had vision and always steered my course to the direction I wanted it to go. I remember people asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I replied with specific details up to to the type of car I would drive. All have come true except my Eddie Bauer Explorer is a Kia Sedona (which most people think is the Cadillac). My visions determined my possibilities. I wish most of my students would see their visions like I saw (and still continue to see) mine, work towards those goals, and not miss opportunities that might belong to them. Like in the movie "Field of Dreams" if you build it, they will come.
My response:
I love this blog because I agree whole hearted with the students of today lacking vision. Today's generation is only concerned with right now gratification and have little or no concerned for the future. It is our task to show them opportunity or they will miss them.
Week 4-Comment to Curt
Curt said:
A distinction is not a standard to live up to, but a framework of possibility to live into.”
The Art of Possibilities, Rosamund Zander, and Benjamin Zander, 2000.
Instead of commenting on just one part of the last chapters of this book, I would like to write down a few simple thoughts on the whole book:
This book has really got me thinking about I interact with the people around me, and how I react to the environment that surrounds me.
I have to remind myself that reality is simply my reality and the perspective I view it from can be so fluid from day to day and moment to moment. I believe that it is up to me to create my world and to make sure that I try to tackle it from a positive and educated viewpoint and keep the WE factor in mind always.
I cannot say I have had a book that has stuck with me so well as the Art of Possibilities.
My Response:
We are in charge or in control of our reality. This is a great concept to install in our students. No matter what their situation is today they are ultimately in charge of their reality.
Week 4-Wimba
I was not able to attend any of the wimba sessions during this month. Because I was not able to make the wimba session I shared my AR presentation with my critical friends.
Ms. Wright critique my review and make suggestions. She loved the website.
Mr. Peterson said, Great Job! and I think that it looks great too! Can't wait to see the presentation.
Mr. Brown loves the sites and suggest I try to gear it more to the workforce and how it will be affected.

For my Action Research Project Presentation I have chosen to present at the Oktibbeha County School District Convocation. My project is specific to the teachers effectively utilizing technology in the classroom.
Presentation link a work in progress
Think Out Loud Blog #2
I will definitely be presenting my Publishing Leadership Project.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Think Out Loud Blog # 1
I think I am going to create a presentation for the publishing leadership assignment.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Week 3-Wimba
What's next? I never really gave that a thought until now. This process has been long and hard for me but the lesson I have learned far outweigh the hardship. The very thought that I may be a major part of change in my school or anywhere is unbelievable. Full sail is and has been a blessings to me. Thanks for the journey.
Week 3 - Reading
I really enjoyed chapter 5 and the story about the conductor and how he wanted to be personable with his orchestra. The members of the orchestra thought highly of him but were not personal with him. he received all the credit and praise but did not play or perform in the concert.
It is important to acknowledge all parts involve in a piece. The more you show appreciate to the whole group the more successful your project will be. If you tend to make every part count and special, you will get the most out of your group.
It is important to acknowledge all parts involve in a piece. The more you show appreciate to the whole group the more successful your project will be. If you tend to make every part count and special, you will get the most out of your group.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Comment to Ashley- Week 3 Reading
Ashley May blogged:
“As I read through the chapters, I couldn’t help but think to myself. I know I have heard this all before. After about the fourth time I found myself saying this, it dawned on me; these are all Biblical principles being put into action. I had heard this all before. We have studied many of these same concepts in depth at my church. Such titles as What You are Expecting is Expecting You, Your Thoughts Create Your World, and Confession that Brings Possession immediately came to mind. You can click on any of the titles to purchase any of these titles or to read more information. My Bishop, S. Terri Smith, always says, “The principles work if you work them.” It is show true. Believer or non-believer, Christian or non-Christian, the principles of the Bible always work. After realizing that this book was simply a repeat of teaching that I had already received being presented in a different light, I was able to read and enjoy more. I was able to really get into what the Zanders had to say.
There were a few points that stuck out to me that I would like to address. First, Ben dealt with removing fear as an obstacle. This was a prevalent theme throughout the first 2 chapters. I had my “aha” moment when I (once again) realized that I am the biggest opposition to my own success. It’s my thought patterns about my environment and myself that have to change. I have to stop limiting myself to the box. Instead of thinking outside of the box, I have to operate as if the box doesn’t exist!
The second point that I absolutely loved was when Zander said, “When you make a mistake, lift your arms high in the air and say ‘how fascinating.’” I thought this would be a great exercise for me, personally. I tend to put an extraordinary amount of pressure on myself to do everything and be everything. What’s worse is that even though I know I cannot be perfect, I am still somehow disappointed when I am not. This exercise will be great for me to start to take some of the pressure off of myself, and to allow myself to make mistakes.
The third point that stood out was the story of the Taiwanese student. He went form seeing himself as a 68, to seeing himself as an A. It made me wonder, how do I see myself? Why do I let others define who I am? Why do we all let others define who we are, even if it’s just a small part of ourselves? This passage was extremely liberating for me. It also reinforced things that I knew, but that I hadn’t yet learned. I hope that makes sense to you! It’s just like when people hear you but they are not listening. Anyway, I am going to strive to do a better job of only caring about how I see myself, and giving myself that A!
The fourth and last point that I wanted to discuss was about making contributions, and about how that is like making ripples. It immediately brought me back to Professor Rena Hanaway’s class. Her theme was always “making ripples,” and I really, finally, truly got it! It’s really about doing enough to cause a change in others, and for that same change to cause a ripple effect. On a random side note, I thought it was rather befitting that I would reach this epiphany of sorts during the same week that I am hammering home cause and effect relationships with my 6th grade students!”
My response:
Thanks Ashley. Your words has been a revelation to me. I didn't analyze the reading in this way until I read your blog. Taking these same principles and applying them to our life both professionally and personally is unbelievable.
“As I read through the chapters, I couldn’t help but think to myself. I know I have heard this all before. After about the fourth time I found myself saying this, it dawned on me; these are all Biblical principles being put into action. I had heard this all before. We have studied many of these same concepts in depth at my church. Such titles as What You are Expecting is Expecting You, Your Thoughts Create Your World, and Confession that Brings Possession immediately came to mind. You can click on any of the titles to purchase any of these titles or to read more information. My Bishop, S. Terri Smith, always says, “The principles work if you work them.” It is show true. Believer or non-believer, Christian or non-Christian, the principles of the Bible always work. After realizing that this book was simply a repeat of teaching that I had already received being presented in a different light, I was able to read and enjoy more. I was able to really get into what the Zanders had to say.
There were a few points that stuck out to me that I would like to address. First, Ben dealt with removing fear as an obstacle. This was a prevalent theme throughout the first 2 chapters. I had my “aha” moment when I (once again) realized that I am the biggest opposition to my own success. It’s my thought patterns about my environment and myself that have to change. I have to stop limiting myself to the box. Instead of thinking outside of the box, I have to operate as if the box doesn’t exist!
The second point that I absolutely loved was when Zander said, “When you make a mistake, lift your arms high in the air and say ‘how fascinating.’” I thought this would be a great exercise for me, personally. I tend to put an extraordinary amount of pressure on myself to do everything and be everything. What’s worse is that even though I know I cannot be perfect, I am still somehow disappointed when I am not. This exercise will be great for me to start to take some of the pressure off of myself, and to allow myself to make mistakes.
The third point that stood out was the story of the Taiwanese student. He went form seeing himself as a 68, to seeing himself as an A. It made me wonder, how do I see myself? Why do I let others define who I am? Why do we all let others define who we are, even if it’s just a small part of ourselves? This passage was extremely liberating for me. It also reinforced things that I knew, but that I hadn’t yet learned. I hope that makes sense to you! It’s just like when people hear you but they are not listening. Anyway, I am going to strive to do a better job of only caring about how I see myself, and giving myself that A!
The fourth and last point that I wanted to discuss was about making contributions, and about how that is like making ripples. It immediately brought me back to Professor Rena Hanaway’s class. Her theme was always “making ripples,” and I really, finally, truly got it! It’s really about doing enough to cause a change in others, and for that same change to cause a ripple effect. On a random side note, I thought it was rather befitting that I would reach this epiphany of sorts during the same week that I am hammering home cause and effect relationships with my 6th grade students!”
My response:
Thanks Ashley. Your words has been a revelation to me. I didn't analyze the reading in this way until I read your blog. Taking these same principles and applying them to our life both professionally and personally is unbelievable.
Comment to Trina - Week 3 Reading
Trinia says:
One of my favorite lines in this book is but his true power derives from his ability to make other people powerful. This is exactly what I think leadership is all about. I am the second grade team leader and have been for the last 9 years. My principal puts a great deal of responsibility on his team leaders and has very high expectations. He believes in a shared leadership philosophy. I often look around and wonder why or who has given some team leaders the attitude of I am in charge. I will decide what information is shared or not. That doesn't make sense to me. I feel that I am meant to represent my team. I also believe that it is my responsibility to share the strengths and successes that my team (of 8 teachers) has with my boss. We have an elementary school with over 1,000 students and only 1 principal and 1 assistant principal. How can he know everything at all times? It is my job to build my team up and ensure that he is aware of their value. I also feel strongly about highlighting the positives about each team member. The more a person feels valued the more they are willing to go the extra mile for the team, for the school, and most importantly for the children.
That makes me think of the other line that I love that being, I began to shift my attention to how effective I was at enabling the musicians to play each phrase as beautifully as they were capable. This is such a powerful statement. What a different world we would live in if we only allowed each person to shine and grow, and if we only believed that they could.
My response:
I agree this is a very powerful line. Leadership is about sharing the success. It is great the amount of trust and confident your principal has in you. It is also great that you have not let the word leader go to your head. Awesome work!
One of my favorite lines in this book is but his true power derives from his ability to make other people powerful. This is exactly what I think leadership is all about. I am the second grade team leader and have been for the last 9 years. My principal puts a great deal of responsibility on his team leaders and has very high expectations. He believes in a shared leadership philosophy. I often look around and wonder why or who has given some team leaders the attitude of I am in charge. I will decide what information is shared or not. That doesn't make sense to me. I feel that I am meant to represent my team. I also believe that it is my responsibility to share the strengths and successes that my team (of 8 teachers) has with my boss. We have an elementary school with over 1,000 students and only 1 principal and 1 assistant principal. How can he know everything at all times? It is my job to build my team up and ensure that he is aware of their value. I also feel strongly about highlighting the positives about each team member. The more a person feels valued the more they are willing to go the extra mile for the team, for the school, and most importantly for the children.
That makes me think of the other line that I love that being, I began to shift my attention to how effective I was at enabling the musicians to play each phrase as beautifully as they were capable. This is such a powerful statement. What a different world we would live in if we only allowed each person to shine and grow, and if we only believed that they could.
My response:
I agree this is a very powerful line. Leadership is about sharing the success. It is great the amount of trust and confident your principal has in you. It is also great that you have not let the word leader go to your head. Awesome work!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Week 2 Wimba
Thanks for trying to clear up most of my issues with copyrighting. When in doubt ask. I believe unless I decide to get an law degree I will always be wondering if I am breaking the law or not. Maybe even breaking the law and not knowing it. This week session was a bit overwhelming but very informative.
Week 2-Comment to Pam
I really enjoyed the first two chapters of this book. I actually stated to feel like I was watching a TED video presented by the author of this novel . It read like a lecture. I find myself saying, "Where could we possibly go from the technology we have today?" I have to remind myself that there are more blocks of stone to be chipped away at.
My mom tells me a story at how someone knocked on her door one day when she was young in the 1940's. A man was selling property on Collins Avenue in Miami Beach. Her father slammed the door, and said, "That land will all be under water in a few years." If only he didn't see the square his mind made. Ahhh the Art of Possibility.
My response
Great story Pam. I have never watched TED but I think I will now. I agree that technology is in no way at its peek but I a curious where do we go from here.
My mom tells me a story at how someone knocked on her door one day when she was young in the 1940's. A man was selling property on Collins Avenue in Miami Beach. Her father slammed the door, and said, "That land will all be under water in a few years." If only he didn't see the square his mind made. Ahhh the Art of Possibility.
My response
Great story Pam. I have never watched TED but I think I will now. I agree that technology is in no way at its peek but I a curious where do we go from here.
Comment to Jennifer- Week 2 Reading
The first four chapters of the Art of Possibility are truly inspiring. It really got me thinking about how I see my students and the expectations I place on them. I was particularly inspired by the authors' idea of celebrating and valuing mistakes. "...I actively train my students that when they make a mistake, they are to lift their arms in the air, smile, and say, "How fascinating!"" So often our students feel that if they do not have the right answers they will be punished or get a bad grade. I would like to work on this in my classroom and foster a more open environment where students feel comfortable enough to make mistakes and learn something from them.
I was also interested in the concept of 'giving an A' and enjoyed reading the letters from Ben Zander's students. It was inspiring to hear a student's opinion on what an A would look like for them at the end of the semester. So often we tell students what the final outcome of a course should be, without giving them the opportunity to take ownership of their learning along the way.
The only concern I have about what I have read so far is that it all seems very idealistic. I imagine that it is harder to apply these principles consistently.
My response
You are so right. Many student see mistakes as failure. Training the students to embrace their mistakes and learn or create from them will truly open up to a awesome learning environment. I also enjoyed the letters.
I was also interested in the concept of 'giving an A' and enjoyed reading the letters from Ben Zander's students. It was inspiring to hear a student's opinion on what an A would look like for them at the end of the semester. So often we tell students what the final outcome of a course should be, without giving them the opportunity to take ownership of their learning along the way.
The only concern I have about what I have read so far is that it all seems very idealistic. I imagine that it is harder to apply these principles consistently.
My response
You are so right. Many student see mistakes as failure. Training the students to embrace their mistakes and learn or create from them will truly open up to a awesome learning environment. I also enjoyed the letters.
Thinking outside of the box:
Thinking outside the box is allowing your imagination to flow and run wild. it is the birthplace of creativity. Most of the time the fear of being different or even being wrong keeps us from thinking outside of the box. Thinking outside the box and allowing ourself to fail will in turn help us to grow. Knowing that there make be options other than the norm and exploring those options is thinking outside the box. Being confident and knowing that failure can equal to success will invent out of the box thinking.
Thinking outside the box is allowing your imagination to flow and run wild. it is the birthplace of creativity. Most of the time the fear of being different or even being wrong keeps us from thinking outside of the box. Thinking outside the box and allowing ourself to fail will in turn help us to grow. Knowing that there make be options other than the norm and exploring those options is thinking outside the box. Being confident and knowing that failure can equal to success will invent out of the box thinking.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Week 1 Wimba 1
This session of wimba has been very informative. I really appreciate the detail and structure of the class. Unfortunately due to other engagements I will have watch the archives for most of the session. I am excited about watching the videos associated with the class and see those of us who are attending the sessions discuss and evaluate everything. Unfortunately, I am suffering from diabetic neuropathy, and it hard to use my hands at this time. However, I have enjoyed every minute of this experience.
Week 1 Wimba 1
This session of wimba has been very informative. I really appreciate the detail and structure of the class. Unfortunately due to other engagements I will have watch the archives for most of the session. I am excited about watching the videos associated with the class and see those of us who are attending the sessions discuss and evaluate everything. Unfortunately, I am suffering from diabetic neuropathy, and it hard to use my hands at this time. However, I have enjoyed every minute of this experience.
wk 1- Fair Use
'm still a bit confused at the issue but let me take a shot. Fair Use is the ability to share ideas of others with breaking the law. I believe that fair use is a component that goes along with Free Speech.
Week 1- Copyright
On the issue of copyrights, I believe that giving credit to the owner is a given. But I also believe that though the use of sampling and sharing of older artist a lot of history is learned. When it comes to copyright there is really no clear answer, the best thing to do is cite. It is better to ask permission than to break the law. Good Copy, Bad Copy was eye opening to see artists and producers sampling from each other.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Last year we received a grant Enhancing Education Through Technology (E2T2) that allowed us to received a mobile laptop cart with 24 laptops projector, a smartboard to be shared by 8 teachers. But this year will have been extreme blessed the same grant allowed for each of the 8 teachers to received their own laptop, document camera, projector, smartboard, the 2 math teachers got 30 digital calculators, 2 science teachers received digital microscope and the group got a digital camera and video camera.
wk 1 Quickies
I have learned to always have a backup plan when using technology. Even the most well planned technology lesson can have its problems.
Wk1 DB Quickies
My school block a lot of useful information. I have a major problem at my school with using Youtube. If administratora are concerns with students accessing inappropriate video, I think they should at least allow teacher privilege. I also had problem with creating Google email account for my students. They kept requesting verification code for each account. Even now they are something requesting students for verification code and the account has been open for months. That really cause a problem in my class.
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